With much gratitude, honour and respect for all of you who dare to see things differently and embark on a journey of self-transformation.

Thank you,

for sharing your stories with us…!


Family Constellation - Leah

I had the privilege of experiencing a transformative family constellations session with Cristina Vanella.

Her insightful guidance allowed me to delve deep into the root causes of my romantic relationship struggles and to heal longstanding issues with my father.

Through her compassionate approach and profound understanding of family dynamics, Cristina helped me uncover hidden barriers and facilitated powerful healing.

I highly recommend her services to anyone seeking clarity, healing, and growth in their personal relationships and family dynamics.

Leah Faber

Family Constellation - Vika

Dear Cristina,

I would like to share my feedback following Family Constellation Therapy I had a few days ago with yourself.

I have been struggling with processing some emotions from the past related to my childhood and my parents and I always felt that there was something in me that was stopping me expressing my love to my close family and friends, and I started to search the answers. I came across you and your therapy by someone’s recommendation and at first I didn’t know what to expect from family constellation, but somehow I was confident that this is the right thing for me to do which can help me to understand what bothers me from my past.

I contacted you and from the first point you showed your professionalism in what you do.

The original 15 minutes consultation gave me a great understanding what to expect from the therapy as you explained in detail what to expect on the day. I felt safe and at ease to ask you any questions , although some of the questions, in my opinion, would sound silly, however you invited me to ask any question and created a safe environment for that.

On the day of the consultation, we met online and i was slightly concerned that it might be tricky to have this kind of session online, however there were no issues with that.

Throughout the therapy, I felt your passion to what you do by helping others to remove those layers of negative emotions. You helped me to tune into my body and guided me through my senses with care, kindness, and competence. 

I felt free to express myself and you showed compassion during those moments of sadness. I felt a great relief.  

After the therapy I felt like I was born again as that relief had helped me to connect to my inner peace and acceptance, however I needed to have a few hours nap as I felt tired.   

I have already started to see miracles, and the biggest realisation that those miracles are always there around us. What changed is my perception to see life and be connected to my inner self. 

Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart for helping people and making this world a better place.

Kind Regards,

Vika Stalker

Family Constellation - Rachel

Good Afternoon Cristina,

How are you?

I just wanted to write and say thank you. Thank you for the Family Constellation session. It was my first time working with the Family Constellation process and it was incredible. I knew I wanted to work on the relationship with my daughter, but I never expected the process to be so beautiful, informative and life-changing.

In the session, I felt your love and patience, as you held the space and guided me to really be present and open myself up to receive information about my family.

As I moved through the different emotions, I knew I was safe and able to allow them to become visible to me.

It was an extremely powerful session, and the next day the shift in my daughter and our relationship was beautiful. It's been a week and new discoveries are still unfolding because of that session.

I've learnt about myself, and how I've been showing up, and my daughter is able to communicate her emotions.

Honestly, thank you. it's a beautiful gift you have given my family.

I couldn't recommend you enough!


Family Constellation - Kristina

I am so glad I came across Cristina just as a situation arose in my life that I really struggled to untangle despite being a therapist myself.

Cristina’s wisdom and intuition as well as great skill meant that I’ve had a really effective but also fun session. In our session, I got to resolve a long-standing issue, had a great emotional release leading to a lovely feeling of freedom and a renewed ability to breathe deeply and gained some great insights into the workings of my mind. Cristina’s friendly and professional manner made me feel completely at ease and I am already looking forward to our next session and any that will follow.

Kristina Matej 

Family Constellation - Allison

Cristina’s gracious, nurturing presence is like a professional hug! The family constellations session with her was very interesting. Even though I’d previously done talk therapy about the issues we explored, some new perspectives and insights emerged, which have been really helpful.

Allison R

Drum Therapy -Sue

Hi Cristine,

I wanted to let you know that after my drumming session, the one thing that had been giving me so much trouble to cope with were my hot flushes and night sweats, they decreased that day and then stopped altogether within a week. I then had a period the following month, which I hadn't had for 10 months. I haven't had one this month, but so far, my night sweats and flushes remain ok.

I can't believe the difference this has made. I will come back and have another session if I start to feel out of balance again and would highly recommend your services to anyone. Please use my statement as a testimonial on your website.

I can't thank you enough and I really enjoyed the drumming session, it was certainly a magical experience.

Much love

Sue x

Family Constellation - Christine

Hi Cristina,

After hearing the challenge that I described, Cristina took me through a 90 minute Constellation therapy.

For most of that time I had no idea where the experience was leading (very challenging for someone like me who likes to feel in control!), but Cristina is a real professional, I felt that I was in the hands of an expert, and I found that the end results of the whole experience were highly relevant to me and really enlightening.

I know we have shifted my awareness, eliminated some blocks and I feel much lighter as a result. It was great! If you have already taken Cristina up on her great offer, then know you will also get a lot of benefit.

If you missed out, but have some challenges on the personal or business front, I highly recommend you get in touch with her at https://ligwe.com.

Thank you Cristina!!



Drum Therapy - Leigh Ann

Hello Cristina,

I am sorry it has taken me some time to email you since I had my healing session with you at the Rainham centre. The days have just seemed to roll by at the moment. I said I would give you some feedback following the session we had just before Christmas.

Overall, I found the whole session to be very, very relaxing. My favourite bit of it was when you were singing as I found your voice to be very relaxing and calming. The aromas of the wood that you burned - sorry can't remember the name of it - was also very calming to me. The whole time I was there I felt very, very peaceful and could've laid there for hours! When I came home that night I had one of the best nights sleeps I’ve had for a long time.

However, the thing that has really surprised me is since the session with you, I have had an overwhelming feeling that I am being protected. To be honest, I’ve kind of had a black cloud over me for a couple of years now - nothing major but just kind of feeling that I had lost my way a bit and didn't know what I should be doing or where I wanted to be in life. Since the session with you, I am feeling like my life is so much more positive and I know what I want to be doing and feeling. It’s very difficult to explain what I mean but can only describe it as that I haven't felt so positive and happy in a long time, which is weird considering I’m dealing with breast cancer. I never thought I would have that attitude towards my battle! I feel like I am not alone and have a constant feeling of being surrounded by something comforting and healing. Also, I've had so much more physical energy. 

My family are quite surprised that I am dealing with all my treatment etc in such a positive manner and I think they keep thinking I am going to crack soon but that is not how I feel. I feel that it is all good and positive and I will deal with this. 

I would like to thank you again for the session that you did. Is this something I should be doing again doing my chemo treatment? Should I be doing this regularly or as a one off?  I haven't been to reiki for a while as I was unsure whether I should also be doing that doing chemo. I remember you saying something about not having certain treatments during chemo but can't remember what. 

Look forward to seeing you again soon and once again, thank you for all your help.

Leigh Ann

Family Constellation - Jill

Thank you Cristina for a fabulous session it was so easy to engage in and I totally trusted your guidance and choice of content for me to explore.

I felt I understood parts of myself in a new way and look forward to seeing the impact of this new knowledge. 

Jill - London

Drum Therapy - Gus

Hi Cristina,

Thank you for the healing last night, it was lovely see you again. I promised that I would reiterate the story I told you about my illness and here it is:

In September I passed blood in my urine and my doctor referred me to an urology consultant. I saw him fairly quickly and he arranged for my blood and samples of my urine to be tested and at the same time he organised a CT scan. When I returned to see him he told me that the CT scan appeared to show a problem in my prostate and also in my pelvic bone. As a result of this he was sufficiently concerned to arrange for a more detailed MRI scan of my prostate and pelvis. When I saw him again to get the results of this latest scan he told me that I had aggressive prostate cancer which has spread into my pelvis. He also said that my life would be shortened and immediately prescribed hormone tablets in an attempt to slow the progress of the cancer. In order to determine how far the cancer had spread into my bones he ordered a full body bone scan from head to toe.

In the meantime on the advice of a friend and as I had nothing to lose I met with you for two healing sessions. Well, low and behold when I went back to get the result I was advised that there was no evidence of cancer found in my skeleton. I was told that although cancer had been found in my prostate it was confined there and could be treated. Meanwhile the doctors intend to just monitor me on a regular basis and when necessary they will start treatment.

Needless to say I feel like I have been given a reprieve from death row!

Also I must say how pleased I am to have met you and look forward to seeing you again on Friday.

Molto Grazie,
